
Showing posts from January, 2023

Paths to Power by A.W. Tozer

  How long is Paths to Power ? Paths to Power is only 79 pages long. How easy is Paths to Power to read? A.W. Tozer wrote Paths to Power in 1940 so the language can be trickier than normal at times. He is also exploring deep theology, but it is nowhere near as difficult to read some of C.S. Lewis’s theological musings. All in all, I found I had to concentrate a little bit harder whilst reading this book, but by no means was it particularly hard to read. What am I getting out of reading Paths to Power ? I feel this quote best sums up the book: ‘Paganism is slowly closing in on the Church, and her only response is an occasional “drive” for one thing or another – usually money – or a noisy but timid campaign to improve the morals of movies.’ (Pages 11-12). A.W. Tozer was an American pastor, serving from 1919 to 1959. Throughout his ministry he was deeply concerned with the dangerous course the church was taking towards worldly affairs. This book is a call to the individual and to t

God and One Redhead - Mary Slessor of Calabar by Carol Christian and Gladys Plummer

  How long is God and One Redhead ? God and One Redhead is 184 pages long. How easy is God and One Redhead to read? Short chapters and simple language make this a very easy book to read. As it is written in 1970 about events from the late 19 th century onwards, there a couple of instances where you may need to exercise the grace of changing times. What will I get out of reading God and One Redhead ? God and One Redhead tells the story of Mary Slessor’s life and mission to the tribes of 19 th  century Nigeria where she sought to spread the word of God whilst also promoting women's rights and protecting children from all-too-common infanticide: especially of twins. On the one hand, this biography is an inspiring example of passionate and single-minded devotion to the great commission and sacrificial compassion to all people. On the other hand, it is a cautionary tale about the dangers of zeal. I love Mary Slessor. It feels weird to say I will miss her, but I really will.

Thoughts for Young Men by J.C. Ryle

  How long is Thoughts for Young Men ? Thoughts for Young Men is an easily manageable 89 pages. How easy is Thoughts for Young Men to read? This will depend on the version you read. I read the 2018 epbooks update by Mary Davis – a well presented book with modernised language, so it is incredibly easy to read. I am told the original 19 th century text is less easy. What will I get out of reading Thoughts for Young Men ? This is a book designed for young men and should be treated as such. It is narrowly focussed on the central issues of faith so anyone who reads it will find inspiration in its words but the book shines when young men appreciate Ryle’s perceptive observations of the spiritual battle young men face. That doesn’t mean it should only be read by young men. I would urge everyone read this little gem for their own benefit but primarily to recommend to or study with the young men in their life. Across the four main chapters, Ryle astutely considers the reasons for enco

God's Smuggler by Brother Andrew

  How long is God’s Smuggler ? God’s Smuggler is a nice even 300 pages. How easy is God’s Smuggler to read? Whilst being full of deep practical, lived-out theology, God’s Smuggler is very easy to read. There were only a few moments where the vocabulary or prose was noticeably more complex than the rest of the book. It also helps that each chapter is only 13 pages on average. What am I getting out of reading God’s Smuggler ? God’s Smuggler is the first-person account of Brother Andrew’s life from his early years to his conversion to his ministry in communist countries. My primary response to reading this book was total awe. Brother Andrew sets a fantastic example for placing yourself in the hands of God daily. His faithfulness to the word of God through every situation he encounters, however big or small, is a great aspiring challenge. Whilst the world has changed a lot since Brother Andrew entered a widely communist east Europe in the 1950s, this book provides a great insight into thos

Welcome To My Book Club!

I never used to read, but I like to say that God had other plans for me. I started as a ministry trainee at Manor Park Church in Worcester in January 2022 and then became one of two trainee pastors in January 2023. Rightly so, a large part of my training is reading. Reading allows me to better understand the Bible, biblical doctrine, the Christian life, and the world around me. I also have the pleasure of studying on the EMW's Theological Training Course (even more reading!). What do I read? Primarily, Christian literature. This could be biographies of famous Christians to be inspired and educated by their journeys, books that focus on specific doctrines like prayer and grace, or books about Christian living. What is Nathan's Book Club? My problem with reading has always been choosing which books to read. I'm never sure whether a book is going to be worth my limited time. This is where I hope my "book club" will lend a helping hand. For every book I read, I will w