God's Smuggler by Brother Andrew


How long is God’s Smuggler?

God’s Smuggler is a nice even 300 pages.

How easy is God’s Smuggler to read?

Whilst being full of deep practical, lived-out theology, God’s Smuggler is very easy to read. There were only a few moments where the vocabulary or prose was noticeably more complex than the rest of the book. It also helps that each chapter is only 13 pages on average.

What am I getting out of reading God’s Smuggler?

God’s Smuggler is the first-person account of Brother Andrew’s life from his early years to his conversion to his ministry in communist countries.

My primary response to reading this book was total awe. Brother Andrew sets a fantastic example for placing yourself in the hands of God daily. His faithfulness to the word of God through every situation he encounters, however big or small, is a great aspiring challenge.

Whilst the world has changed a lot since Brother Andrew entered a widely communist east Europe in the 1950s, this book provides a great insight into those countries’ histories, attitudes, and ways of life.

Is God's Smuggler good?

It would not be an understatement to say that reading God’s Smuggler changed my life. Brother Andrew is one of those people that very rarely come around. Being able to get a glimpse into his faith and his mission has been a highlight of my entire reading life. So yes, in my personal opinion, it is very good.

If you want to be inspired by a great Christian and a great mission, then this is the book for you.


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