God's Gift To Wales by Jonathan Thomas


How long is God’s Gift to Wales?

God’s Gift to Wales is 62 pages long.

How easy is God’s Gift to Wales to read?

I read this book in 2 sittings. It’s short and simple. Thomas is easy to read because of his conversational style.

What will I get out of reading God’s Gift to Wales?

As with my last review on No Difficulty with God, God’s Gift to Wales is a snapshot biography of the life and work of Thomas Charles (1755-1814). This book is even more of a snapshot as it is half the length of No Difficulties with God.

Again, as with the last book, Thomas Charles is always worth reading about. Though short, all the things I already knew and loved about him continue to shine through, such as his work, his character, and his profound writing.

Is God’s Gift to Wales good?

It’s difficult to review this book by itself having just read a more detailed biography of Thomas Charles. That said, I particularly enjoyed Thomas’ writing style and probably preferred it to Davies’. All the key details of Charles' life, character, and work appear (which is good!) and even bring more enthusiasm to them, seeing as there isn’t time to go into other minor details.

Both Thomas and Davies conclude their books with chapters that focus on the contemporary application of Charles’ life and work. Each author wrote different things which was refreshing and encouraging.

Again, I was mostly inspired by Thomas Charles’ own writing which appears a lot in this book as well.

If you would like to be introduced to Thomas Charles, then this is an undemanding and worthwhile start.


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